Samanhudi of Universitas Negeri Surakarta (UNS) Visited PMB Lab, IPB


Samanhudi of UNS visited PMB Lab to discuss his professorship application with Prof. Sudarsono. Samanhudi want to ask Prof. Sudarsono as a reviewer for his scientific publications needed for his professorship application.

Dr. Samanhudi of Universitas Negeri Surakarta (UNS) is invited to take part in PhD examination of one PhD candidate from School of Graduate Program at IPB. While attending the PhD open examination, Dr. Samanhudi visited PMB Lab and discussed his plans to propose his professorship.

He will propose his professorship to the Dirjen Dikti of Ministry of National Education in the near future. One of the requirements for the professorship application is validation of scientific publications from colleagues in the same scientific field as the applicant.

Therefore, he brought with him a bundle of original publications and a set of official forms to be filled by the selected colleague. Samahudi has asked Prof. Sudarsono of PMB Lab. to be one of the colleague to review his scientific publications. Since he has brought with him a set original of publications and the correct form for scientific publication evaluation, its only take one day for Prof. Sudarsono to complete the evaluations.

While at IPB, Dr. Samanhudi also attended Renni Indrayanti Doctoral (PhD/S3) Open Examination on December 20, 2011. Dr. Samanhudi itself was a graduate from Plant Breeding and Biotechnology (PBT Major), Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, School of Graduate Program, IPB, Bogor. His PhD dissertation research was about molecular characterization and functional analysis of gene that regulate flowering in cacao.

All PMB Lab staffs and associated graduate students wish Dr. Samanhudi success in his professorship application. We hope that he succeeded in his  application.

About PMB Lab: Prof. Sudarsono

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2 Responses to Samanhudi of Universitas Negeri Surakarta (UNS) Visited PMB Lab, IPB

  1. mawar says:

    maaf saya mau bertanya berapa biaya kedokteran di sana

    • Jika yang dimaksud adalah Kedokteran di UNS, mungkin dapat melihat langsung ke website UNS, Fakultas Kedokteran. setahu saya, ada beberapa jalur masuk k kedokteran di UNS. Kalau tidak salah, biaya masuknya yang berbeda, tetapi biaya kuliahnya sama, insyaAlloh. Alamat website UNS adalah Good luck…

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